Monday, September 30, 2019

Challenges of Teaching Students with Ebd Essay

Education is an important factor of life that is a foundation of intellectual development and intelligence that shapes the futures of all students. There are students with disorders and disabilities who display hardships and delays in education that require different approaches and special teaching strategies. Students with emotional and behavioral disorders are a group of students that require such modification or accommodation approaches. EBD student’s exhibit challenging behaviors, emotional instability, and are opposed to change. Therefore, once a student with EBD is place in the general classroom, the student might encounter challenges with learning and create problems and threats for the teacher as well as their peers. Teachers need to remember that students with EBD have the same rights as everyone else; the students with EBD need a specific teaching strategy and approach to assessments and instruction. Teachers need to establish a teacher student relationship to assist in the techniques and the learning process. There are a variety of intervention and prevention techniques that can be used to decrease the discrepancies and tension in the behavior and manner of the students in a general classroom setting. In order to apply the techniques effectively teachers have to understand the challenges students with EBD face. The creation of a special education team plays and important role of intervention and prevention for the student with EBD and is necessary to meet all the needs of the student. The special education team should consist of at least one regular educator, one special educator, a parent, and an administrator. Students with EBD are influenced on different levels of interaction socially and need this variety of member to be included on the team. The SPED team has a responsibility to develop a comprehensive academic program and to make certain there is mutual consistency in actions and support. The SPED team needs a general educator in the team because their role is vital to the prevention plan in the academic environment. Sometimes the teachers have students with EBD in their classrooms that haven’t been diagnosed and the symptoms will surface in a classroom setting. The regular teacher will deal with the issues first until they determine or diagnose the student. The regular teacher needs to have knowledge or possess the basics of treating EBD students. Teachers should teach them self control and self management techniques to be used on a regular basis in the classroom. If the techniques applied don’t work and the student gets worse than consideration should take place to include the student into a special education classroom. A special education teacher is necessary for the SPED team because their expertise deals with students of different disorders or disabilities such as students with EBD. Special education teachers can recommend some beneficial techniques that can be implemented in the general classroom setting or for parents at home. Special education teachers may figure out the problem at home which needs to be solved in order to provide helpful methods and then can facilitate intervention in the classroom setting. The team needs to have a good combination of people with intervention techniques for special education in the education school plan. This will reduce the risk of school factors for students with EBD. Parents that have students with EBD need to actively participate or be an active person of the SPED team for many different reasons. Parents acquire the most information about the heart of their child’s disorder. Next, parents should be included in any early intervention to assist in the students classroom placement decisions otherwise it has been determined that it could be destructive for the EBD student. It has been noted that family and parent problems tend to be the main cause of emotional and behavioral disorders. Therefore, SPED teams can help to get to the main problem thus special educators and the administration can unravel home problems. The school administrator is a vital member to the SPED team because they have useful information and knowledge about the school policy formation. Students with EBD often feel discriminated against because of the ambiguous and zero tolerance rules regarding behavior from the school. The zero tolerance rules for behavior in school can threaten the behavioral and emotional stability of students with EBD. The administration can educate the educators on the IDEA rules and regulations and handle relevant assessments and design and develop special education programming. There are some concerns that make it difficult for school administrators and special education educators and can be very complicated because they want to make sure they meet the needs of students with EBD. One of the concerns is the uncertainty and stigmas towards the definition of educational and behavioral disorders and the need of understanding what behavior is inappropriate, the inability to construct social relationships, and if the disability classification should be EBD. The behavior if inappropriate doesn’t fit into any ethical norms, cultural, and religious society during a given time. Student’s with EBD displays a variety of disorder types and inner emotional and behavioral disorders behaviors appear sometimes in a manner of violence or suicide. The characteristics and symptoms of students with EBD tend to change so it makes it difficult to provide a solid diagnosis of EBD. The challenges teachers face when teaching students with EBD require competency from the educators. Given that students with EBD have a deficit in language, social skills, intellectual abilities, and lower academic results it hard for teachers to find a happy medium in making sure the school pace is mainstreaming to meet their specific needs. Aggression has emerged because of the lack of appraisal or opportunities from teachers. Consequently, training, self control, and classroom management needs to be the practice fro students with EBD. â€Å"Teachers have to adjust to the specific needs of students and give them proper instructional interactions, actively interact with parents and get actively involved in the collection of data on EBD students’ progress, developing special education programs and interpret EBD students’ results according to the assessment rules designed for them in order to provide these special needs students with adequate instruction and support† (Yell et al., 2009). The active participation and involvement of parents in the intervention and prevention programs will get rid of some risk factors and develop a home based and comprehensive school intervention plan. The participation of school educators and administration can assist in solving the main challenges dealing with exclusion of students with EBD from the zero tolerance mainstream school policy. EBD students symbolize are a small group of specialized needs. The behavior of EBD students are usually unexplainable and unpredictable, which makes it challenging when dealing with the student and meeting their needs. Nevertheless, if there is a closer look into the causes and roots of EBD and work done on the classification, most likely can be a problem solver. As it comes from the arrangement of the SPED team if they are conflicting then it will be difficult to develop an effective intervention and prevention program. This makes it imperative to accept a universal strategy in meeting the academic challenges for students with EBD. References Yell, M. L, Meadows, N. B., Drasgow, E., & Shriner, J. G. (2009). Evidence-based practices for educating students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson. ISBN-13: 978-0130968234

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Man Is Not Truly One, but Truly Two’. Discuss This Observation on Human Nature

For many centuries now many people as well as philosophers have wondered what factors make up human nature and the human mind along with its thinking. Man is truly a complex ‘individual’, as every man has their own reasons for living, and the many reasons they have for doing what it is that they do. Has human beings we posses certain characteristics, and it is important to identify these characteristics in the discussion of human nature. As we are made up of thoughts and ideas, as it is our thoughts and ideas that causes us to act out on what it is we truly want to do.This essay will compare contrast two different forms of writing within the same era. â€Å"The Curious Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† and â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest† it is interesting to see these two different forms of writing manage to capture different cycles of human nature, and still manage to somewhat correlate. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, portray a robust sense of loss or confusio n of ‘identity’ in the very popular novel, written by Robert-Louise Stevenson. For its time, the topic of human nature was something that various authors offered their opinions on.The likes of Charles Dickens through his novel â€Å"Great Expectations† deals with a numerous amount of characters and their journey through life, and their constant battle with their own identity and nature. The novel deals with a great sense of ‘Darwinism’ there is no mistake in saying that Stevenson was influenced my Darwin’s controversial theory on evolution, and how man came into being. â€Å"Nor is there any substantial change when, in Stevenson’s Jekyll and Hyde, the evil follows from the good. The two are the same. Jekyll is, to begin with, a good man. It was†¦the exacting nature of my aspirations rather than any particular degradation in my faults, that made me what I was. † Yet â€Å"when I looked upon that ugly idol in the glass, I was conscience of no repugnance, rather of a leap of welcome. This, too, was myself. It seemed natural and human. In my eyes it bore a livelier image of the spirit, it seemed more express and single, than the imperfect and divided countenance I had been hitherto accustomed to call mine. † From Massey’s critical analysis it is clear to see what argument he brings forth.The first thing that springs out most are how he describes evil and good being one in the â€Å"same†, the fact that one comes before the other, the ‘other’ deriving from the first. The notion of a man at first being good and then turning evil, must then mean that within good, bad is laying dormant. This argument can easily fit into the discussion of human nature. A classic example can be found in the bible story of Kane and Able in Genesis chapter 4 through to 16. Both characters are depicted as the classic ‘good vs. vil’ although both people where trying to please God, one d ecides to take his brothers life out of jealousy. The important thing to note here is that, they both had the same intention, pleasing God. Furthermore, the quotation included in Massey’s interpretation is also interesting and important for the discussion of human nature. Dr Jekyll himself talks about his own pleasures in the body of Mr Hyde. He describes him as an ‘idol’ something or someone that he looks up to. He also says in his statement that, â€Å"it seemed natural and human† and that he felt welcomed by the presence of Hyde.I believe that through these statements Stevenson was exploring the different ‘consciousness of man’ and how man longs for power and the longing to do something different and utterly outrageous. The social class of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is also something that one must take into consideration when reading this novel. The simple fact that both these characters are not in the lower class of their Victorian society is v ery important. Mr Hyde commits various different crimes, that wouldn’t normally be associated with a man of his social standards.This aspect allows the novel to be considered as something out of the norm for the society in which he wrote in. An article on the Internet by Joel Joyce, talks about the contestant battle between good and evil. These are two aspects about human nature that are always at loggerheads in, literature, films, and theatre. There is a sense of both characteristics in human beings. When we look at criminals and law-abiding citizens, we often wonder what separates the two. â€Å"Most people would agree that at least some people are bad: chronic criminals residing in Jackson State Prison, ruthless Colombian drug lords, and inner city gang leaders.But what about the productive members of society, law abiding citizens, family people who respect the rights of others and the authority of the law? Where do they fall on the spectrum between good and bad? If we as ked this question in a random poll, people would give a range of answers. Some would say that man is basically good, except for a few deranged people like those mentioned; others would say that man is mostly good, but there is also a little bit of evil in all of us; still others would assert that man is neutral—family and social influences determine his inclination toward goodness or evil.A few people might even believe that man’s natural propensity is toward evil. † In this article I couldn’t help but notice some certain similarities between some of the points and some of the issues raised in Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the fact that everyman is capable of doing evil, and that being good and evil are in fact choices that one can make in his/her lifetime. Mr Hyde did not come from just anywhere; he was more than an alter ego. He was the ‘evil’ that ‘apparently’ lives in everyman. The notion that everyman is pointing towards evil is quiet visible in Mr Hyde’s statement of the case in the tenth chapter. There was something strange in my sensations, something indescribably new and, from its very novelty, incredibly sweet. I felt younger, lighter, happier in body; within I was conscious of a heady recklessness, a current of disordered sensual images running like a millrace in my fancy, a solution of the bonds of obligation, an unknown but not an innocent freedom of the soul.I knew myself, at the first breath of this new life, to be more wicked, tenfold more wicked, sold a slave to my original evil; and the thought, in that moment, braced and delighted me like wine. From this statement made by Dr Jekyll himself, not Hyde, it illustrates to us that, ‘man is definitely not one and is two’ the fact that Jekyll embraces this new body and relishes at its prospects must then mean that there is an element of evil lurking within everyman, even someone as responsible and respectable as Mr Hyde felt for this honey trap, if you call it. He also describes this ordeal as â€Å"freedom of the soul†. What this can reveal to us about man is that, we long to be free of the restrictions of the society hat we live in. he states that he felt â€Å"younger, lighter† and â€Å"happier† in this body. Notably Dr Jekyll boldly says â€Å"to my original evil† which instantly portrays to us that this is his roots and his original state as a human being, so then the question comes to mind that is in fact Dr Jekyll an alter ego of Mr Hyde or the other way round?So within this statement there is an element of ‘escapism’, which is normally found amongst people who suffer from (MPD) multiple personality disorder. According to an article on wisegeek. om these are some qualities of someone who suffers from multiple personality disorder. â€Å"Multiple personality disorder is almost always caused by persistent trauma, or past trauma such as early chi ldhood sexual or physical abuse. When trauma occurs over a long period of time, the affected person may begin to cope by completely disassociating from the events that cause the trauma. This can lead to â€Å"alters,† separate personalities within the same person who either are aware of, or are unaware of the abuse. Alters can be childlike, strong, male, or female, and often emerge as a coping device. There are a couple of important factors to take notes on in this article. Firstly, the article states that, â€Å"the same person who either are aware of, or are unaware† this is something that can be linked back to Mr Hyde and Jekyll, they are both ‘aware’ of each other’s personality co-existing within the same body. The most interesting thing about Dr Jekyll is that he is still conscience within the conscienceless of Hyde. He has the will power to take over if he really wanted. But he played it out in such a way that he was the weaker of the two. Thi s is the second point, â€Å".This can lead to â€Å"alters,† separate personalities within the same person†¦ aware of, or are unaware of the abuse†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Massey goes into more detail about this very same point, and which is also pointing towards the direction of the multiple personality disorder, although his argument does somewhat go against this interpretation of (MPD). â€Å"Inevitably, this argument will seem to have some relation to the insistence of the existentialists that man is finally alone, and that all his apparent duality, which provides him with an imaginary interlocutor from the eginning, is only a protective delusion to help him cope with his basic loneliness. The difference is, first, that in my conception man is not lonely, but unitary; he is afraid, not of having no one to communicate with him and thus to support his existence, but of having no choice of selves. † What this offers and suggests about human nature is that there seems to b e a strong sense of ‘duality’ involved in all man. The fact that he states that man does not want to be alone; there is a need of companionship within ones-self, which may explain the reason why Jekyll did not have the strength to over power Hyde.The final statement is a very strong one. â€Å"†¦But of having no choice of selves† this is Massey’s final argument, which in a sense points to the direction of ‘Darwinism’. The fact that ‘Man’ is the final state of human being, who supposedly evolved from apes. There seems to be a longing for something more. Furthermore, the sheer fact that Hyde is described as being â€Å"ape like†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"like a monkey jumped† does illustrate that Stevenson had reversed the line of evolution. In contrast to this, The Importance Of being Earnest by Oscar Wilde deals with some quiet different human characteristics.There is no coincidence between the protagonists name and the books title. One must first identify the meaning behind the actual name. ‘Earnest’ According to Dictionary. com, here are the different meanings and interpretations of what Earnest means. Adjective 1. Serious in intention, purpose, or effort; sincerely zealous: an earnest worker. 2. Showing depth and sincerity of feeling: earnest words; an earnest entreaty. 3. Seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention. –Noun 4. Full seriousness, as of intention or purpose: to speak in earnest.The characters name works as a pun, which automatically gives us a hint that there are two different characters at work here. When we are first introduced to the character the audience is expecting a character that is sincere and true to ‘our own belief of what earnestness truly is. According to a chapter on Earnestness, by Walter E. Houghton, â€Å"Now, patently, Old Leisure was not in earnest. He was not, as one would say, taking life seriously. And that means, w e see, that intellectually he has no concern whatever with ideas.He goes to church either to fall asleep or to repeat the great doctrines of the creed without a moment’s attention or an ounce of sincere conviction†¦he is quiet oblivious to any larger scheme of human destiny, whether natural or supernatural, and to what duties or responsibilities it might entail. His conscience, therefore, is quiet easy; and his daily life is devoted to the enjoyment of sensual pleasure. † Through this statement we gain more of an insight into the character of Ernest, Jack. He is the complete opposite of what the audience thinks he should be.In Act 1 scene eight, Jack (Ernest) is accused of having something, which does not belong to him. Through the dialogue it is revealed to us that, Ernest has been living a double life. â€Å"Well, my name is Ernest in town and Jack in the country, and the cigarette case was given to me in the country. † This is clearly included for a reaso n; firstly it shapes the play into what it truly is. But also there is also an element of ‘duality’ involved in this, just like Stevenson’s â€Å"The curious Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† the element of living a double life and ultimately becoming different people.Unlike Dr Jekyll he has had and made a ‘choice’ to live this double life, by creating an alter ego for himself named Jack. It is important to identify what an alter ego is, and what the writer is trying to achieve by giving Ernest an alter ego. Having an alter ego at times can be beneficial, provided it does not go overboard. It gives the person a sense of completeness. However, if the alter ego is more perfect than your real self, then it can result in low self-esteem. It is also at times seen that if the alter ego is dominating, then it can prevent a person from leading a normal life.If you have an alter ego then it is important that you don’t let it dominate over your pers onal life. This can affect your friends and family in a negative manner. As we can see from this detailed analysis on what an alter ego is, we can understand in more detail why Ernest’s character would want to create an alter ego for himself in the two different towns. It could be argued that Jack feels a certain connection and belonging to the village as it allows him to do exactly what he wants.This can also be seen a s a criticism of the Victorian society suggesting that people are not allowed to be themselves in certain environment and places. Furthermore, there is still an element of ‘duality’ within Jacks real name Ernest. Through Algernon’s statement. â€Å" You answer to the name of Ernest. You look as if your name was Ernest. You are the most earnest person I ever saw in my life. † Through the use of wit Wilde delivers a ‘funny’ juxtaposition, Algernon is accusing Jack of being a liar and a fraud, but yet calls him an earnest p erson, which is the direct opposite of what he should be saying.Instead a moral paradox is created. Earnestness, which refers to the quality of being serious and the quality of being sincere, is thrown around in the play, and characters like Jack, who the word is normally associated with is seen as a hypocrite as he is just the opposite of what the word is. This is part of Wilde’s plan of comment on the Victorian society and the nature of the ‘men’ who lived in that society. â€Å"More than half of modern culture depends on what shouldn’t read† This statement made by the character Algernon subtly mocks the Victorian society as their rules where strict on what should and shouldn’t be done.Which then calls into question the whole idea of ‘earnestness’ in men. These characters presented to us are men and woman who are of a certain class, higher class, and they are supposed to be men and woman of high regards, but the majority of the time they are seen as hypocrites and untrue. This could be an attempt to destabilize men and call into question human nature as whole. In addition, the class system is also called into question, through Algernon’s statement. â€Å"Really, if the lower orders don’t set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them?They seem, as a class, to have absolutely no sense of moral responsibility. † There are two things here about human nature that is worth discussing. The first half of the quote is on leadership. Oscar Wilde, here talks of how humans have a sense of ‘neediness’ and a certain longing to be lead, but something interesting happens here, rather than the higher class leading the lower class it is the other way round, a sense of hierarchy has been switched round to the opposite side of the spectrum. The second half of this quote is also equally important.This is a ‘typical’ statement for someone of a higher class to make about the lower classed. â€Å"†¦They seem, as a class, to have absolutely no sense of moral responsibility. † Wilde is clever here; I believe that he knew that his statement prior to this about the lower class being an example for the higher classed individuals. This statement was quiet common for a higher classed member of society to make towards a lower classed member. A vivid example of Victorian human nature at work in its society. Homosexuality is a great factor in Oscar Wilde’s work.The fact that he tried to cover up the homosexual tendencies that Jack and Algernon both possessed, and instead turned them into brothers at the end. Their constant bickering was more than what it seemed it became flirting. It is no mistaking that Wilde himself was an homosexual, and according to some other writers he too struggled with acceptance within his society, which led him to lead a double life. â€Å"Wilde's need for social acceptance may have been a factor in his 1884 marri age to a young, somewhat conventional and naive socialite, Constance Lloyd, a union that quickly produced two sons. It is then no secret that Wilde in creating these characters was a microcosm of his own life, Jack lived a double life, Which illustrates to me that he too struggled with acceptance in the village and city where he bears two different names. Finally, Stevenson’s and Wilde’s work both offer different issues that man goes through. In â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest† the themes of homosexuality and truthfulness dealt with, is something that was relevant to his society and is still relevant today. Homosexuals still struggle with acceptance be it through family, friends or society.Furthermore, not only homosexuals feel this, and I believe that this is something that Wilde wanted to portray through his work. Acceptance is a part of ‘Human Nature’ that all men go through, just as a child wants to be accepted by friends he/she wants to a lso be accepted by his/her family, it is a feeling that human beings go through. This is the same feeling that Kane felt in Genesis towards God that led him to kill his brother, as he struggled with acceptance, he felt like an outcast, which is a feeling that no man wants to feel. Thus releasing his dormant ‘evil’ nature, separating himself from the good.This is the same notion that William Golding went through in â€Å"The Lord of Flies† this is the idea that when man is separated from good, he has no alternative but to turn its ‘original’ state of evilness. One such writer is William Golding, and one such book is The Lord of The Flies. As the appended essay in the popular Capricorn edition reveals, â€Å"the theme (according to the author) is an attempt to trace the defects of society back to the defects of human nature. † Here Golding and Ardrey speak with a single voice: mans nature is the central determiner of what man does.Ardrey watches animals in the wild because â€Å"only in a state of nature can we be sure that we are observing true animal behaviour. † Golding places his innocent schoolboys on an uninhabited, inescapable island. Ardrey re-constructs prehistory, when a subhuman creature made its way toward becoming man. Golding, who has also written a book about prehistory (The Inheritors, Harcourt, 1962), traces reversion of his British youth to a kind of subhuman existence. Likewise Stevenson goes through another cycle and almost similar stage of Human nature.His work â€Å"The curios Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde† has been something that also survives time as it still has relevance today. The idea has found its way onto cinema screens in films such as the â€Å"Incredible Hulk† the transformation of Jekyll is presented to us as a ‘one way journey’ as my Hyde’s character is much stronger than Jekyll’s and he is constantly seeing himself through Hyde’s eye s. Eventually the power of Hyde becomes too much for him and there is no other possibility but to destroy his body, inevitably killing off both consciousnesses.Both stories (â€Å"The importance of Being Earnest† and â€Å"The Curios Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde†) do however have one major factor in common, they both understand the ‘power of class’ and social hierarchy. All their main characters are middle classed or higher because they wanted to appeal to the greater half of their society. The reason being, the lower classed where the outcasts of their society, so if these themes had been about the lower classed people in the higher class will not pay much attention to the lower classed.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cultural profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cultural profile - Essay Example Social groups mostly share a number of characteristics including involving the use of a common language, sharing cultural values and also sharing norms and traditional values (Chelidze 12). The Muslim based believers are also mostly portrayed badly as well as negatively by the media systems in the society (Chelidze 10). For example, I totally support Muslim faiths, and I have experience a number of discrimination and prejudices in the society. This usually provides bad relationship and poor interaction between Muslim individuals and other people the society. Stereotypes, discrimination, as well as prejudices based on individual cultural identities and ethnicity systems, form some of the problems that the Islamic-based religious individuals are facing in the United States (Chelidze 13). According to recent religious studies and reports, racial group, ethnicity as well as religious group of an individual role play a greater role towards various social activities in their life including their marriage practices, communication practices and their perceptions about life in general (Verkuyten 357). Therefore, the main aim and purpose of this paper is to discuss various social identities and religious beliefs and values including the Caucasian ethnicity, as well as the Islamic religion. The paper will specifically deal with the social identities covering ascription as well as avowal identity systems and how it influences my social interaction with others in the society The Caucasian race is mostly found in North America, Europe, parts of Asia as well as in some regions in Africa. Historically, various historians believed that there were two races especially the Mongolians and the Caucasians. According to these anthropologists, the Caucasians were more likeable and intelligent than Mongolians especially due to their light skin and moral values (Verkuyten 355). The Caucasian group was also closely associated with individuals

Friday, September 27, 2019

The British Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

The British Economy - Essay Example In this process, the accuracy and efficiency have enhanced but complexities have also increased significantly. International trade has a great economic importance as it helps to bring economic prosperity to a country. International trade activities include import and export which influences foreign and domestic exchanges. Besides, certain economic risks are also associated with international trade and hence, the government always try to control international trade-related activities. This paper will attempt to deal with foreign exchanges policy of UK. Earlier, the UK pound was used to be determined using the fixed exchange rate policy by comparing to other foreign currencies. However, due to certain shortcomings of fixed exchange rate policy, the UK Government has shifted to floating exchange rate policy. This paper will present explanations on fixed and floating rate policies and how the UK Government plays a crucial role in controlling and deciding the foreign and domestic currency policies. The UK is one of the leading economies in Europe and it belongs to the category of first world country. It is a â€Å"leading trading power and financial center is the third largest economy in Europe after Germany and France†. Since last two decades, the Government is playing a very crucial role in the growth of agriculture, services, and industrialization. Its GDP as per purchasing power parity was nearly $2.189 trillion and GDP as per official exchange rate was nearly $2.259 trillion. The per capita GDP was nearly was $35,100 with real GDP growth rate of 1.6% in 2010. Regulatory authorities including the central bank (Bank of England) is responsible for managing and controlling the economic affairs. The inflation and unemployment in 2010 were 3.3% and 7.9%. During the financial crisis of 2007-2008, the UK’s economy was heavily affected.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


RICHARD RODRIGUSE-THE ACHIEVMENT OF DESIRE - Essay Example The use of Hoggart’s explanation offers Rodriguez the best expression in which he expresses the differences and experiences of a school and captures the mind of the reader to imagine an extreme situation of loneliness and isolation. The use large Hoggart’s quotes as used in Rodruguez (599) to define the clear circumstances under which the schoolboy had to persevere is captivating. The large quotes define the home background and the school background and how the school boy had to develop different adaptations in both cases. These large quotes have been used exactly to fit the description as offered by Hoggart and Rodriquez does not expound on them. This means that he finds an exact replica of the life of school boy in Hoggart’s discussion, and does not have to expound on them as they have more command compared to his analysis. This trend continues through the story. The use of these quotes without elaborating on them might mean that Rodriguez considers Hoggart to be more superior, just like a teacher-student relationship and Rodriguez finds these quotes much superior to his own account of events. Rodriguez continuously breaks the rule as he cites large quotes to be part of his book and does not offer an elaboration on them. This is like combining two books in one. The use of Hoggart’s scholarship boy by Rodriguez is a direct contrast to the life of the school boy by Rodriguez. Hoggart’s â€Å"scholarship boys’ have their success on special anxiety, they are good troubled sons and able to manage a fairly graceful transition. They learn to live in two different worlds in their day. These ‘scholarship boys’ as defined by Hoggart, much yearn for both home and school (Rodriguez, 600). Rodriguez ‘scholarship boy’ is somehow different and instead of being troubled by the knowledge and accustoming to both environments, the scholarship boy is more indulged in learning to strengthen his resolve, and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Finding the Leadership in You Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Finding the Leadership in You - Essay Example I use more of an array of incentives to motivate individuals to perform their best. I am in a sense a transformational leader also. I go beyond to manage my day-to-day operations for the company, my lack of tolerance to uncertainty and self-objectivity affects my leadership abilities. My ability to get knowledge without inference or reason is low (Webb, 2013). My low intuitive abilities are affecting my capability to learn and solve the complex problem in a subconscious basis. It plays a vital part in the decision making process. I will work on developing my intuitive abilities in order to improve my decision making, avoid common mistakes and dissolve prejudices (Tidd & Bessant, 2011). I have a strong conflict management skill. My capacity to remain calm and absorbed in tense conditions is a crucial aspect of conflict resolution (Webb, 2013). I usually stay centered and in control of myself, which makes me avoid being emotionally overwhelmed intense conditions. I have a strong courteous regard to people feelings, and act as a facilitator in solving conflicts. My high Yield tendency facilitates courteous yielding to opinions, judgments, or wishes of other people. My forcing tendency abilities demonstrate my skill of ensuring that people act in a manner, which facilities’ resolution of conflicts (Tidd & Bessant, 2011). The high avoidance tendency demonstrates my ability to avoid tense situations, or conflicts. This ensures that I behave in a manner that does not facilitate conflicts, and ensure that an amicable environment exists at all time. The high compromising tendency shows that I am more than eager to compromise in order to take into consideration other people thoughts and feelings (Cummings & Worley, 2009). I possess strong problem solving skills. These skills demonstrate my ability to solve problem and offer solutions to complex and challenging situations. Time management skills demonstrate how someone is more aware to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Cell City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cell City - Essay Example Cells can be structurally divided into two groups i.e. the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes. The basic difference between these two groups is that eukaryotes contain a nuclear membrane which surrounds the nucleus and the materials embedded in it whereas in prokaryotic cells the genetic material inside the nucleus is not surrounded by a membrane. The cells present in animals and plants are eukaryotic whereas the cells in bacteria, cyanobacteria, and mycoplasmas are prokaryotic. Organelles are part of cells which work together to complete the functions of the cells. As plant and animal cells are eukaryotic this essay would revolve around the eukaryotic cells only. The eukaryotic cells, in other words, have membrane-bounded organelles. Its constituents are the plasma membrane, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, Golgi Apparatus, Lysosomes, Nucleus, Flagella, Cilia, Cell wall, Chloroplast, and vacuoles. The animal cells and plant cells have a difference of cell wall, vacuoles, and chloroplasts. The cell functions as a city to complete its functions. All the organelles work together just like in a city with collaboration so that the city is clean and everything goes on smoothly. These are the organelles of the cell which function together to produce qualitative results. The cell membrane is a very important structure which forms the outer covering of the cells. Its integrity and normal working are essential for the proper functioning of the human body as well as the carrying out of normal metabolic functions.... The main components of the cell membrane are the lipids and the proteins with the proteins forming a major component of the membrane. Fifty five percent of the cell membrane is constituted by proteins. That is for approximately fifty molecules of lipids, there is one protein molecule present. The proteins have a very important role to play in maintaining the shape of the cell membrane which is crucial for maintaining the form and working of the cell as well. Similarly in cities if these authorities let everyone enter the city then the integrity of the city can be put at stake. Proteins also have the ability to work as pumps for the passage of ions by the process of active transport which works against the normal diffusion gradient. They also act as carriers and work in moving substances by the process of facilitated diffusion which involves the movement of secondary substances in association with proteins for the purpose of transport. Glycolipids and glycoproteins also fulfill the fu nctions of the authorities in the city (1; 2; 7). Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is a fluid like substance inside the cell which has many proteins, electrolytes and glucose. It has different organelles embedded in it which function together to perform the city functions. Cytoplasm in a real city can be referred to as the land where different authorities are working together. When someone builds places on the land then the spaces of the land become hidden to anyone’s view and the same happens with the cytoplasm in which the organelles take the role of the places built in the city (3; 5; 7). Endoplasmic Reticulum The endoplasmic reticulum is a broad vesicular structure which contains of the endoplasmic matrix. Substances

Monday, September 23, 2019

Comparison Of Articles About The Terrorist Attacks Assignment

Comparison Of Articles About The Terrorist Attacks - Assignment Example Indeed, the medium of each text may influence my response to the content because the medium significantly affects the relevance, reliability, and the authority of the information contained therein. Additionally, Nicholas Thompson is the renowned author of various literature and currently an editor at The New Yorker, at Bloomberg Television, and at CNN International. As such, he derives respect and authority in literature. On the other hand, Nina Berman has won numerous awards in American documentary photography. Notably, both writers use anecdotal evidence to lay their arguments and claims. Both texts are of the view that the true definition of the word hero lacks it initial significance.Nevertheless, the two articles agree that there are heroes in America and that the true meaning of American heroes only changed after the 2001 September 11 terrorist attacks where there was a general notion to refer to the victims, firefighters, and rescue workers as heroes. They find that the word h as become so popular, cultural, and psychologically common that nobody reserves any pride in it in the modern times.Nicholas Thompson claims that the victims the terrorist attacks deserve tremendous sympathy and referring to them as heroes will be a misplacement. He further reckons that the firefighters and rescue workers who suffered in the attacks do not amount to becoming heroes because they were doing their job. In fact, he claims that referring to them as such is demeaning the meaning and significance of the word hero.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Strategic Importance of the Battle of Fort Donelson Research Paper

The Strategic Importance of the Battle of Fort Donelson - Research Paper Example John Thayer became the leader of the Nebraska regiment. The regiment spent time in Missouri with General John Fremont in preparation for the war. The regiment marched directly through St. Louis where it was reported that several people thronged by the road to witness their hero. In December, the troops were under a constabulary duty to defend their state. The State had experienced some defeats earlier in August and this had caused many fears to the State. To defend them, the State waged a tactical guerilla war and bushwalking to counter their enemies. Major General Sterling Price had managed to confide all the southern in Missouri State with the aid of union forces (Cooling 2003). This force joined another union under the control of Major Brig and Gen. John Pope who struggled to restore peace and order in the northern part. As a trial, the Nebraska participated in a skirmish at Shawnee mound on the Black River. The union managed to capture other hundreds of confederates and the warmo ngers were appreciated for their efforts. By this time, the troupe now was ready for the campaign in 1862. In January 1862, Gen. Ulysses Grant commanded a garrison at Kentucky and convinced the commander of Missouri Gen. Henry Halleck that they were to break the western defense force in order to conquer that State. In this regard, first Donelson, which was near River Tennessee were the weakest and most attractive link between Mississippi and Cumberland Gap. Grant won the support from Andrew Foote and the two launched a strong army, which were determined to win this confederate and bring it under their control. Grant had fears that his troop had few men and thus he had to strengthen his army before he made any move (Palagruto 2010). He used two methods to reinforce his troops as he first stripped his department and eliminated any regiment that could arise as opponent to his mission and secondly, Hallenick made orders that could forward the zealous and untested the Nebraska in order t o test the strength of Nebraska. The Nebraskans boarded a train to St. Louis while the regiment group opted for a steamer train to transport them to join Grant’s troop. Several groups started to arrive at fort Henry and Grant immediately ordered these boats to move further to Cumberland where they could carry out their operations. This was meant to reinforce grant’s operations in fort Donelson. The heavy February rains in the area dismantled transportation along the rivers and at the same time Grant’s troop were facing opposition from stubborn defenders at fort Donelson. The port was not easily conquered as it had several creeks, heavy woods, ravines, and the current floods. The Tennessean fighters were out to defend their land and they managed to guard their guard (Palagruto, 2010). The confederates understood that Tennessee, Mississippi, and Cumberland River were the vital targets by the rebel forces. Thus, they could not allow them to access this area for it linked the North and the South. In addition, the rivers were a major means of transport between the two states that is the South and the North. The Southerners struggled all their best to defend these rivers as the North could easily attack them. The confederate prepared well by constructing Fort Henry along River Tennessee and fort Donelson along river Cumberland to act as protection against their enemies. The two ports

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Abstract Globalization Essay Example for Free

Abstract Globalization Essay Abstract Globalization is a term now circulating frequently in both popular media as well as formal academic disciplines. It has many meanings, some of which are contestable, others simply descriptive. This work attempts to explore some implications of globalization for the field of curriculum studies. This paper is an attempt to explore some of the symbols of nationality that are embedded in, or associated with, our curriculum, and to suggest that these may present some problems in terms of values and of equality. The work will explore the hegemonic relationship exerted by culture through the curriculum, relating this particularly to the ways in which a curriculum might be assessed. The particular curricular examination suggests that African-American life and history are reflected in various conceptions of the curriculum. Therefore the study will also consider how functional approach to teaching social skills to African American students is infused throughout the curriculum. Curriculum Development Introduction A vague presumption has come to pervade the publics understanding of education, namely that its content should somehow be apolitical and value-free. If values are not explicitly addressed in the classroom then what is taught are simple â€Å"facts† unadulterated and value-neutral. Values, however, are not a separate category of the mind, but arise, part and parcel, out of our total understanding of reality, our worldview. It is this realization that three of our contributors bring to bear, each in a different way, on the problems of the contemporary curriculum. James B. Macdonald (1971) asserts: The process of curriculum development includes selection from the total culture and the creation of a pattern of encounter that will maximize the authenticity of the material and the probability of its being internalized by learners. As a system of ideas and beliefs, it includes aspects of the cognitive world isolated by disciplines and/or subjects in terms of facts, information, generalization, principles, laws, and the like. It also includes awareness of and facility in the use of expressive symbols such as art, music and language. Further, it includes systems of value orientation for action in the form of such things as modes of inquiry, seeking new knowledge, respecting the integrity and worth of individuals, being concerned for other peoples, using democratic procedures , and so forth (pp. 97-98). Macdonald takes issue with the attempt of all scholars to mimic science as the only reliable path to â€Å"truth. † For him, restructuring the curriculum does not mean trying to integrate the disciplines as they now exist, but rather, seeking an altogether new worldview -what he calls a new â€Å"anthropology. † His point is that we need to consider values, meaning, and purpose in the curriculum in order to create a more adaptive and accurate vision of the world. A balance must be maintained between local culture and global culture. Thanks to that balance, groups win be able to develop or reinforce local cultures, and at the same time will be able to communicate with the main global culture in a mutually reinforcing relationship. We must of course agree as to what language to use to communicate throughout the global network. The problem is not very different from what we do for instance in air traffic control. At a certain moment we must accept that in order to communicate we must have a common global language. This does not negate local languages and cultures on the contrary. The fact that one speaks English does not prevent him/her from communicating in his/her native Italian, nor does it reduce his/her pride in Italian culture. By speaking English, he/she is able to communicate that culture to other cultures, and vice versa. The â€Å"Global Education† mentioned in the abstract might be understood as the universal education of humankind a worthy goal. But we first have to ask: what will we teach? There are too many facts to be taught, yet they are insufficient. We need instead to exercise our intelligence to grasp and teach what is best namely the promotion of our well-being. The cultural/historical dimension, whereby students are stimulated to broaden their perspective on life, is already being addressed in some programs of curriculum reform. At my home institution, Temple University, for example, a two semester course entitled â€Å"The Intellectual Heritage† is required for all undergraduate students. This course introduces seminal texts and ideas from Western, African, and Asian traditional intellectual histories and cultures. Through classic works such as the Tao Te Ching, the Koran, and the Analects, the heritage of all humankind, students are able to enlarge their intellectual and historical vision, while becoming sensitized to the values of their own, often unexplored, roots. This suggests that curriculum must include voices, visions, and perspectives of people of color and other marginalized groups. Literature Review Henderson noted in her paper that conventional economic theory is based more on the values of economic theorists and their wealthy sponsors than on actual observation of real economies (Davis 1988). Not only economics, but everything that is taught bears the stamp of someones values whether those of a legislator, a teacher, a textbook writer, or a group of academic theorists. Value-neutrality is one of the most pervasive misconceptions of modern education. The curriculum is not unbiased, and students are not left to form their own opinions. Whatever is taught bears the imprint of the values implicit in society, and if by chance those values are part of the cause of a societys problems, then it becomes necessary to address them openly and critically in the educational curriculum. This, of course, is the real meaning of â€Å"academic freedom,† something that the American public has yet to accept. The problem of what set of values, what sort of vision of humankind, we could put in place of or at least use to modify our present faulty vision is taken up by Charles Weihsun Fu in a brilliant analysis of the distinctions between two of the worlds dominant worldviews: the Eastasian and the modern Western. Fu skillfully juxtaposes the Confucian and Judeo-Christian understandings, pointing out the social and political consequences of each, and especially their inherent weaknesses. More specifically, he contrasts their respective bases in personal morality and social responsibility on the one hand and in law and contractual relationships on the other. Fu concludes with a proposal for interweaving these two approaches which, if introduced into the Western curriculum, could serve simultaneously to correct our destructive tendencies toward alienation while softening our pretensions of moral superiority. His arguments seem to us to feed well into those of Johan Galtung, who discusses the path to global peace under the next theme. The process by which change is to be accomplished likewise is addressed by Frances Moore Lappe, as she critiques our political value system. Too often, Lappe argues, the curriculum teaches only superficial explanations for societys problems, relying upon the unexamined assumptions of single disciplines, which are often graced with the label of common sense. She calls for the introduction of dialogue into the curriculum to force us to delve deeper into the underlying causes of problems, thus revealing their true complexity. Such dialogue ultimately demands the critical self-evaluation of values and a sense of political engagement that she believes are essential for an active, informed, truly democratic citizenry. If they are to achieve a productive dialogue rather than a polarizing debate, both Western traditionalists and the multiculturalists must face some facts. The growing number of people of color in our society and schools constitutes a demographic imperative educators must hear and respond to. The 1999 Census indicated that one of every four Americans is a person of color. By the turn of the century, one of every three will be of color. Nearly half of the nations students will be of color by 2020 (Council for Exceptional Children 2002). Although the school and university curriculums remain Western-oriented, this growing number of people of color will increasingly demand to share power in curriculum decision making and in shaping a curriculum canon that reflects their experiences, histories, struggles, and victories. People of color, women, and other marginalized groups are demanding that their voices, visions, and perspectives be included in the curriculum. They ask that the debt Western civilization owes to Africa, Asia, and indigenous America be acknowledged (Grossman 1998). The advocates of the Afro centric curriculum, in sometimes passionate language that reflects a dream long deferred, are merely asking that the cultures of Africa and African-American people be legitimized in the curriculum and that the African contributions to European civilization be acknowledged. People of color and women are also demanding that the facts about their victimization be told, for truths sake, but also because they need to better understand their conditions so that they and others can work to reform society. The significance of culture in curriculum implementation is supported by Michaels (1981) study of differences in narrative styles used by African American children and their European-American teacher. In Michaels study, a European-American teacher did not make explicit the literate narrative style employed in school learning and, thus, African-American children did not acquire a prerequisite skill for reading acquisition. Narrative styles are culturally acquired. The narrative style employed in school is based on the European-American culture and does not need to be made explicit to most members of that culture. Schools and the curriculum are often portrayed as culturally neutral and, because the practice of schooling has become traditional, it is difficult to identify the specific aspects of culture that are present. A more specific example of teachers response to students cultural or ethnic background is found in a research study reported by Perry Gilmore (1985) in which African-American childrens access to advanced literacy is denied on the basis of their level of acculturation rather than acquisition of prerequisite skills. Creators of the standard curriculum as members, of the society, function in multiple settings (e. g. , systems) and, as a result, are socialized by many agents. Attitudes about what children should be taught and how they should be taught are shaped. Likewise, attitudes about social issues such as race and ethnicity are also influenced heavily by multiple systems-giving messages, sometimes conflicting messages, about the importance of these factors. Branch (1993) suggested that the ethnicity and race of the teachers/educators and learners figure prominently in the learning equation. He posits that the attribution of characteristics to learners influences how they perform in the classroom, perhaps as much as their abilities. Frequently, teachers view African-American childrens academic performance as a function of their race and ethnicity and the children themselves may develop limiting self-perceptions as a consequence of their interactions within the ecosystem. For example, Fordham and Ogbu (1986) reported that some African-American high school students perceive academic excellence as an instance of â€Å"acting White. † Background It was not easy, even in the heyday of nineteenth-century nationalism, to define what was meant by national identity. Nations were often based on some notion of unity, or of consanguinity, or of some shared culture, or appearance, or language. None of these seems to be either a necessary or a sufficient condition, however. The United States manages without consanguinity, for example—though it currently seems to see language as a defining issue, as can be seen in the moral panic about the possibility of non-English speakers forming a majority. The pedagogic will seek to produce structures and curricula that are designed to maintain national identity, particularly at moments when national authority might seem to be in question. Bernstein (1971) expressed part of this when he wrote that â€Å"how a society selects, classifies, distributes, transmits and evaluates the educational knowledge that it considers to be public reflects both the distribution of power and the principles of social control†. If existing power structures and distribution are to be maintained, knowledge, and the particular kinds of knowledge that constitute cultural capital, must be selected and transmitted to particular groups. Such cultural capital must be identified, protected and valued over other cultural phenomena. Authorities need to assert their identity and control, and, in the context of the arguments presented in this paper, they need national and cultural symbols to do this, and they need control over the way in which they are transmitted. Some of the unhappy facts of our condition are being disseminated through the media, but in spite of this we still suffer from serious misunderstandings about the nature of global problems. While we have all been told that there are environmental, economic, and political crises the greenhouse effect, species extinction, the hole in the ozone layer, the Third World debt, the instability of political institutions and have been informed that there are some causative agents such as carbon dioxide emissions, deforestation, poverty, and a dearth of the appropriate sustainable development, we clearly do not comprehend. We misunderstand precisely because an insistence on the facts alone constitutes that little bit of knowledge that is a dangerous thing. Western traditionalists and multiculturalists must realize that they are entering into debate from different power positions. Western traditionalists hold the balance of power, financial resources, and the top positions in the mass media, in schools, colleges and universities, government, and in the publishing industry (Duckworth 1996). Genuine discussion between the traditionalists and the multiculturalists can take place only when power is placed on the table, negotiated, and shared. However, multiculturalists must acknowledge that they do not want to eliminate Aristotle and Shakespeare, or Western civilization, from the school curriculum. To reject the West would be to reject important aspects of their own cultural heritages, experiences, and identities. The most important scholarly and literary works written by African-Americans, such as works by W. E. B. DuBois, Carter G. Woodson, and Zora Neale Hurston, are expressions of Western cultural experiences. African-American culture resulted from a blending of African cultural characteristics with those of African peoples in the United States (Wald 1996). Rather than excluding Western civilization from the curriculum, multiculturalists want a more truthful, complex, and diverse version of the West taught in the schools. They want the curriculum to describe the ways in which African, Asian, and indigenous American cultures have influenced and interacted with Western civilization (Combleth 1988). They also want schools to discuss not only the diversity and democratic ideals of Western civilization, but also its failures, tensions, dilemmas, and the struggles by various groups in Western societies to realize their dreams against great odds. The inclusion of African-American literature (a) clearly reveals the conflicts and contradictions of class, race, and gender bias in a democratic society, (b) puts students in touch with their own bias and that of their peers, and (c) helps students learn to challenge bias in themselves, their peers, and the larger society, and in the literature they read. The teachers personal commitment allows to overcome aspects of the school culture and resistance and racial conflict among students to reach a point of shared understanding and experience for students. The racial conflict clearly raises the issue of personal and group identity, however. Method Curriculum development is designed to reflect the course of study in schools. It is intended to present information to students in an organized manner through various instructional methods and strategies. Teachers must be cognizant of creative and innovative ways to individualize and maximize learning for pupils by providing practical learning activities. Designing curriculum involves two major methodologies (Grossman 1998). The first methodology is experimental instruction. Experimental instruction is designed to intrinsically motivate student interests inside and outside of the classroom. The second approach, systematic instruction, involves teacher/student interaction. The major purpose of systematic instruction is to develop a skill or concept and design materials and activities that enable students to achieve the selected objectives. Curriculum development in most school districts is concerned with developing academics in order to equip pupils to master the complex tasks presented by our society. This approach is valid for most pupils. However, due to poor social and interpersonal skills development of many minority and young African-American students, social skill development may be necessary before academic skills can be mastered. It is generally agreed by most professionals in the field of education that schools should be involved in teaching social and interpersonal skills. For example, social skills education and interpersonal skills development are ideal ways to teach responsibility for self and others and for exploring the meaning of human interaction and relationships. A social skills curriculum can also help students understand: (1) how to develop self-esteem along with their emotions and how their emotions affects others; (2) how to develop positive social relationships; (3) respect for others; (4) respect for rules and regulations; (5) ways to develop moral and character; (6) ways to examine ones values; (7) ways to make responsible choices; (8) their potential and worth as human beings; (9) How to develop a sense of responsibility toward others and ways of behaving appropriately in public places; (10) the role and duty of responsible citizens; and (11) how to develop effective communication skills. Curriculum strategies outlined in this text are designed to address the social skills and others as they relate specifically to African American students. Experimental, direct, and systematic curriculum methodologies were employed. The phenomenon of educating African-American students has been studied and investigated extensively, resulting in numerous educators advocating that these â€Å"special† students demonstrate inappropriate social skills/ behaviors inside as well as outside the classroom. Developing the appropriate social skills for successful interaction with peers and significant adults (teachers, parents) can be considered one of the most important accomplishments of childhood and early adolescence should be addressed as soon as possible. This is particularly true in the area of establishing and maintaining relations with peers and authority figures. Not only can social skills deficits have a negative impact on future interpersonal functioning, it may also affect current functioning, reducing the quality and quantity of the learning experiences to which students are exposed in their educational settings. Social skills have been defined as goal-oriented, rule-governed, situation-specific learned behaviors that vary according to social context. Social skills involving both observable and nonobservable cognitive and affective elements that help elicit positive or neutral responses and avoid negative responses from others. As such, social behavior constitutes an intricate interfactional process. As a result, the behavior of school-age children influences and is influenced by that of their partners (e. g. , teachers, mentors, tutors, and peers) within the interaction. Society expects that when children reach various developmental stages, they will demonstrate greater foresight and more controlled behaviors. Society also expects that children will be capable, not only of meeting increased demands within learning tasks, but also more complex, subtle social situations. Failure to meet these expectations may increase their sense of social alienation and helplessness. The curriculum presented here is designed to enable African American students to become socially contributing members of society by meeting expected standards. Strategies have been developed to assist educators in providing these students appropriate social skills training to enable them to operate successfully in the schools and society. Intervention techniques have been selected based upon research techniques to assist young Black students in controlling aggression, assuming responsibility, and becoming productive members of the group. The author highly endorses that proactive approach be employed when teaching social skills to African-American students. Since proactive instruction provides children with social intervention before negative behaviors occur, this approach is preferable to reactive teaching. Whereas proactive instruction teaches social skills before social rejection is experienced, reactive instruction waits for the individual to fail and then applies intervention strategies. Many African-American students have problems developing appropriate social skills due to the problems outlined throughout the text. Proactive instruction will prevent many of the negative consequences of inappropriate social skills, as well as improve the self-image of young African-American males. Recommended strategies for proactive instruction may assist the boys in: 1. dealing positively with accusations 2. accepting the feelings of others in a nonthreatening manner 3. respecting the feelings of others 4. avoiding fights and conflicts 5. dealing effectively with teasing 6. giving praise or compliments to others 7. accepting compliments from others 8. apologizing for inappropriate behavior 9. expressing anger in a positive way 10. showing affection and appreciation toward others 11. practicing self-control These instructional activities may be expanded or modified as needed. As indicated, African-American students must be taught appropriate social skills if they are going to be contributing members of society. The social skills outlined here should be infused throughout the curriculum and integrated as needed by the teacher. These strategies are seen as immediate, useful sources for teaching pro-social skills to African-American students. Additionally, the curriculum is based upon in-depth research and years of teaching and observing the social skills development of African-American students. Results The initial step in developing a social skills curriculum is to identify those general social behaviors that are critical to successful social functioning. These general social behaviors are then rewritten as general objectives, which provide the framework for constructing other components of the curriculum. The second stage is to sequence specific objectives as they relate to the general objectives. All specific objectives are designed to achieve the general objectives. Specific objectives are stated in behavioral and measurable terms. The third step is to identify activities and resources that can achieve the stated objectives. Activities should be functional and reflect real life experiences that African-American students are exposed to. As much as possible, parents should be involved in reinforcing the social skills taught. Parents may be used as resource individuals and may offer suggestions relative to material and activities. The fourth step is to include cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity into the curriculum. This approach affords young African-American males the opportunity to appreciate and understand their own self-worth and sense of importance and belonging as well as identify Blacks and other minorities who have made significant contributions in several fields. An additional benefit is that the young Black males can identify and associate with appropriate role models. A curriculum that does not highlight the contributions of Blacks and minorities gives an inaccurate and distorted view of the many significant contributions made by them. Multicultural activities and strategies enrich the curriculum by showing differences in cultural styles, patterns, and interests of diverse groups. Conclusions and Recommendations A social skills curriculum should be based upon those social skills needed to function successfully in ones society. Much of the research reviewed indicates that a significant number of y African American students have not mastered the social skills needed to function successfully in our society. A functional approach involves exposing the learner to real-life situations, concepts, and activities such as self-identity, acquiring self-concept, achieving socially acceptable behavior, bonding, respecting the rights of others, maintaining good interpersonal skills, achieving independence, employing problem-solving skills, taking turns, and communicating appropriately with others. It is language the exquisite use of symbols that makes us truly human, and I would like to see a core curriculum in which students study the origins of language not just parts of speech (Frisby 1993). I would also like to see students consider how symbol systems vary from one culture to another, how language can be shared, and perhaps all students should become familiar with a language other than their own, so they can step outside their own language skin to understand better the nature of communication. And surely a course of study on the centrality of language would include mathematics, which is a universal symbol system. All human beings respond to the aesthetic. This condition is found in all cultures on the planet, and students, in the new core curriculum, should study the universal language we call art. When Picasso confronts the unspeakable agonies of war, the dismembered child, the scream of a bereft mother, the shattered home, and puts them on a huge canvas called â€Å"Guernica,† he makes a universal statement about destruction that can be felt in the heart of every human being (Spears-Bunton 1990). I am suggesting that for the most intimate, most profound, most moving experiences, we need subtle symbols, and students should learn how different cultures express themselves through the universal language of the arts. Bibliography Bankee N. C. Obiakor F. E. (1992). â€Å"Educating the Black male: Renewed imperatives for Black and white communities. † Scholar and Educator: The Journal of the Society of Educators and Scholars, 15, 2:16-31. Bernstein, B. (1971). â€Å"On the Classification and Framing of Educational Knowledge†, in Young, M. F. D. (ed. ) Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education, London: Collier-Macmillan. Bok, Derek. Higher Learning. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1986. Branch C. (1993). â€Å"Ethnic identity as a variable in the learning equation. † In E. Hollins, J. King, W. Hayman (Eds. ), Teaching diverse populations. Albany: State University of New York Press. Combleth, Catherine. 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Friday, September 20, 2019

Steve Jobs: Leadership Style Theories

Steve Jobs: Leadership Style Theories Executive summary: A pioneer is a person who is perceived to lead an exertion, nobody can be a pioneer without devotees , administration can be plot by an energy of position that an individual holds in a gathering, with that power he or she gets an opportunity to exercise on affecting the individuals from gathering by controlling their endeavours for accomplishment of a specific objective. The pioneer is at the point of convergence of get-together vitality structure, keeps the assembling, inserts life into it, moves it towards its goals and keeps up its compel. Here, Discussing about administration style ,hypotheses , methodologies of Steve occupations who was (CEO and Co-originator ) of Macintosh Inc which was established by Steve employments ,Ronald wayne and Steve Wozniac in 1976. Wayne didnt remained with them for long and left Apple by deserting Steve occupations and Wozniak as its primary authors. To raise subsidizing for their wander Steve occupations sold his Volkswagen and Wozniac sold his logical number cruncher. On Apples first day of open exchanging its market esteem achieved 1.2 billion. Steve employments surrendered from Apple as CEO in 1985 to take after his very own advantages, then he began another equipment and programming organization named NEXT Inc. he additionally put resources into a movement organization Pixar Animation Studios. In 1997 Mac acquired occupations possessed organization NEXT and selected him again as CEO. Being a CEO in Apple and with his administration style, skills and application of his creative abilities to innovation and business he changed in individualized computing, music, phones, tablet figuring and retail location industry. His touchiness and restlessness were necessary piece of his perfection and devotion toward his employment. He was extremely engaged and put stock in straightforwardness, responsibility and advancement were among in his administration qualities, he never bargained with quality and never contemplated simply making benefits , he generally centred more around items rather then cost or benefits. He was harsh at individuals since he needed outcomes. With his leadership capacities he took Apples worth incentive to $10.2 billion at the season of his demise on oct. 5 2011. In this report initiative speculations are connected with Steve employments authority style in light of his administration challenges confronted there amid his residency as a CEO at Macintosh an d contemporary issues of authority and their pertinence with Steve occupations authority style Introduction: Leadership is an act and behaviour of an individual person who directs the activities of a group toward the attainment of a common or shared goal (Hemphill and coons, 1957) A leader is an individual who is recognised to lead an effort, no one can be a leader without followers , leadership can be outlined by a power of position that an individual holds in a group, with that power he or she gets an opputunity to workout on influencing the members of group by guiding their efforts for achievement of a certain goal. The pioneer is at the focal point of gathering energy structure, keeps the gathering together, implants life into it, moves it towards its objectives and keeps up its force. Here, Discussing about leadership style ,theories , approaches of Steve jobs who was (CEO and Co-founder ) of apple Inc which was founded by Steve jobs ,Ronald wayne and Steve Wozniac in 1976. Wayne didnt stayed with them for long and left Apple by leaving behind Steve jobs and Wozniac as its main founders. To raise funding for their venture Steve jobs sold his volkswagon and Wozniac sold his scientific calculator. On Apples first day of public trading its maket value reached 1.2 billion. Steve jobs resigned from Apple as CEO in 1985 to follow his own personal interests, then he started a new hardware and software company named NEXT Inc. he also invested in a animation company Pixar Animation Studios. In 1997 apple purchased jobs owned company NEXT and appointed him again as CEO and from that time he worked for Apple for a salary of $1 a year. Being a CEO in Apple and with his leadership style,skills and apllication of his imaginations to technology and business he revolutionised in personal computing, music, phones,tablet computing and retail store industry. His moodiness and impatience were integral part of his perftion and dedication toward his job. He was very focused and believed in simplicity, reasponsibility and innovation were among in his leadership qualities, he never compromised with quality and never thought about just making profits , he always focused more on products rather then cost or profits. He was rough at people because he wanted results. With his leadershio abilities he took Apples worth value to $10.2 billion at the time of his death on oct. 5 2011. In this report leadership theories are linked with steve jobs leadership style based on his leadership challenges faced there during his tenure as a CEO at apple and contemporary issues of leadership and their relevance with steve jobs leadership style . Trait theory: Attribute construct speculations focussed with respect to breaking down physical and identity normal for people keeping in mind the end goal to increase comprehension of the mix of characteristics that are basic among pioneers. Fundamentally pioneers were conceived and authority is craftsmanship. These hypotheses were impacted by Extraordinary Man Theory which contended that powerful authority is overwhelmed by individual identity qualities (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010 , p.599). For instance, qualities, for example, knowledge, self-assurance, drive, awareness of others expectations, chance taking and different qualities makes an individual a decent pioneer. The fundamental speaciaslist of quality based hypotheses is that it overlooks the effect of the circumstance. The hypothesis it expect that there is an unequivocal arrangement of qualities that makes a pioneer powerful in all circumstances, i.e. , same arrangement of attributes would work in military setting and in addition in a production line setting. This prompted later research which stressed that compelling authority emerges from conduct and it includes cooperation with other individuals. The authority of Steve Jobs has a tendency to legitimize characteristic administration hypothesis. Quality hypothesis holds that pioneers close to home attributes are the way to achievement (Crawford, Brungardt and Maughan, 2009). Steve Jobs can be seen from his identity, social, physical or scholarly characteristics. Such qualities as Zaccaro, (2007) battles can without much of a stretch separate him from other non-pioneers. Steve Jobs had a considerable measure of aspiration and vitality. Growing up, Steve Jobs gained from his dad who acquainted him with gadgets at a youthful age. At the point when Apple 1 PC was uncovered in 1976, he rapidly sold his Volkswagen to raise reserves for the organization. He additionally offered his carport to be utilized as the organization premises. This Per Northouse (2013), indicate s out desire and vitality. Steve Job emerges as a man who is extremely smart. He concentrated the market and rapidly conveyed join Scully on board to help him in running the organization. Around then, John Scully supported in changing the organizations technique to make feasible for the organization to rival IBM and another PCs. Steve Jobs likewise emerges as a pioneer who was extremely definitive as Fleenor, (2006) depicts. When he moves back to Apple in 1997 in the wake of being terminated in 1995, he rolled out brisk improvements that made the organization the market pioneer. Steve Jobs likewise had the administration attributes of vision and foreknowledge. At the point when the organization began in 1976, he predicted better execution and rushed to raise assets to guarantee that the organization moved into the correct training. Behavioural theory: Contrasted with Trait hypothesis, Behavioral hypothesis takes a gander at initiative from the point of view of a pioneers conduct instead of choosing pioneers in light of their identity qualities. This hypothesis recommended that authority can be learnt and everybody is fit for turning into a pioneer. Distinctive examples of initiative conduct or styles were distinguished. In any case, they all can be extensively gathered under the two initiative styles: Legitimate Style; In this style, pioneers force choice and propel supporters by prizes or danger. They dont totally trust adherents and concentrate is on tight control of errand finishing. Participative Style; In this style, pioneers impart basic leadership to others. Concentrate is on assignment and pioneers have finish trust and trust in the devotees for getting the errand finished. The primary faultfinder of behavioural hypothesis is that it overlooks the setting in which these diverse authority style are utilized. The styles that pioneers embrace can be influenced by the earth they are working inside, and those they are working with. Be that as it may, notwithstanding this confinement, behavioural hypothesis can at present give helpful knowledge on how we comprehend authority. Behavioral speculations have a tendency to separate practices that disengage impact pioneers from non-successful pioneers. The hypothesis holds that authority is appeared by a mans demonstration and not his characteristics (Crawford, Brungardt and Maughan, 2009). As Amanchukwu et al. (2017) battle, Steve Jobs administration style can likewise fit exceptionally well into behavioral hypothesis. As far as this Steve Jobs turned out as a pioneer who confided in other individuals and had respect for their inclination. For example, he brought John Scully into the organization and permitted him to roll out improvements that saw the past higher valuing by Steve Jobs changed to low evaluating system which was intended to build request and rival different players in the business. Notwithstanding, regardless of the way that the quantity of representatives is recorded to have developed to 4000 amid his time, Steve Jobs emerges as a pioneer who was more item situated as Dugan, (2016) keeps up. Hi s conduct was more worried with seeing Apple develop as a brand and when gotten some information about his proudest achievement, he generally alluded to the arrangement of the Apple Company. Steve Jobs was more worried about the item and championed for IPO that saw the organization open up to the world to expand stores for the organization. Upon his arrival to the organization, he made a pile of measures that were more focused on Apple as an item and not the workers. He suspended certain items, made the working framework open source, and built up a site to support guide exchanging and even outsourced assembling to Taiwan. Every one of the progressions were item situated in light of non-having the general population. Truth be told, outsourcing assembling to Taiwan had the unsafe impact of pushing certain representatives out of the employment showcase. Steve Jobs as a Transformational Leader : Transformational pioneers are charming, vision situated, empowering scholarly advancement of their supporters, moving and spurring to more elevated amounts of adequacy. The perspectives that firmly guarantee that Steve Jobs initiative hints at transformational administration is his charming identity. As indicated by Rakesh Khurana (2002) Steve Jobs, the New Age wunderkind of Apple adored for his achievement in acquainting individuals with the PC that could ensure our opportunity (Khurana, 2002). As Steve Wozniak, the prime supporter with Jobs of the Apple, shortly noted he can simply love seat things in the correct words . Steve Job is depicted as absolute entirety of Apple. (Patterson, 1985) What was visionary about Jobs approach where he most likely included esteem was his zealous enthusiasm to show individuals the future capability of the item. With this vision as prescience has made Jobs be named the extremely valuable proselytizer. (Uttal, 1985) Cocks (1983) contends that Apples fellow benefactor, Steve Wozniak, intensely expressed that Jobs did not comprehend PCs, and the real outline of the machine has been broadly credited to Wozniak. In any case, as Wozniak likewise stated, it never entered my thoughts to offer PCs. It was Steve who said Lets hold them undetermined and offer a couple. It was Jobs who demanded that the PC be light and trim, all around planned in quieted colou Occupations in like manner pushed his specialists to make machines that wont panic away a touchy customer base. (Cocks, 1983) Butcher (1988) contends that Jobs a fussbudget, and as the association, numerous in Apple encountered this as narrow mindedness and self-ingestion. Steve Hawkins a representative said Employments such a stickler, to the point that individuals can never satisfy him, his extremely eager, practically to the point of autocracy.(Butcher, 1988) Transformational authority is about empowering development, realizing an adjustment in the reasoning of its adherents and being visionary in executing change in the association execution. Steve Jobs as a transformational pioneer is found in his endeavours to convey imaginative computerized innovation to mass purchaser so they can open their wallet ( Deutschman, 2001). Confirmation of Steve Jobs vision in making advancement open was Mac is focused on conveying the best individualized computing knowledge to understudies, instructors, inventive experts and customers around the globe through its creative equipment, programming and Internet offerings (Young, 2005) Regarding inspiration and motivating representatives to give their best of execution is a normal for transformational initiative. Proof of Steve Jobs spurring and motivating his representatives is when Job when first discussed any new thought to his representatives not everybody thought it to be an effective item likewise now and again the workers were not enthused about taking a shot at such new thoughts. Be that as it may Occupations alongside his workers could change over the imaginative thoughts into an innovation which changed the way advanced innovation is utilized today. Regardless of whether it is the Macintosh PC or the recently propelled iPad or iPhone. It was Jobs initiative which roused and motivated and Apple made the frameworks and structures that could change over information into a significant item. Work challenge connects with his representatives to achieve almost outlandish goals (Bryant, 2003) (MCB UP Ltd, 2002). Work utilized moving addresses to keep his representatives propelled and pass on his creative thoughts to them (Harvey, 2001) Butcher (1989) argues with a proof by Steve Hawkins, worker of Apple puts it that the vast majority of the general population werent sufficient for him and would truly be in a condition of stun after experiences with Steve. Additionally, Steve was exceptionally goal-oriented alongside fussbudget and that brought about a great deal of issue with good. Youthful (2005) includes that Macintosh workers were pushed to the best of their ability and execution and associations with Steve were the ones which the vast majority of the representatives dreaded. As per Peter Elkind (2008) Steve work has clashing practices and he frequently had his subordinates to tears and in his irate temper he terminates the representatives. But then the top administration has worked with him for quite a long time and they give credit Jobs for the best employment they at any point did was just with him. (Elkind, 2008) Steve Job in a meeting expressed that he has truly able individuals and his occupation is to make the entire of his official group sufficient to be successors, so that is what hes attempting to do, to push them he has forceful dreams (Morris, 2008). As an Evidence the exchange of Steve employment with Morris (2008) reveals insight to the feedback made by specialists Steidlmeier (1999); Yukl (1999) about the transformational authority style in the writing audit and Steves transformational administration style demonstrates the exploitative or unmoral measurements of transformational initiative style. Likewise, Steve occupations communications are restricted to the top administration and he expresses that his employment is to work with kind of the main 100 individuals, among the 20000 individuals at Apple. This demonstrates his connections are not firmly related with the dominant part of his workers. (Morris, 2008) Steve Jobs as a Transactional Leader : Notwithstanding the above contentions about the authority style of Steve Job. Bryant (2003) is of view that Job showed a mix of transformational and value-based initiative style and this helped him achievement in Apple. As indicated by Bryant (2003) Job when gone to the Xerox Parc and he took a dream of how future PCs ought to work. Whats more, he made his representatives make the frameworks and structures in his organization Apple where information was changed over into profitable items e.g. the Macintosh PC. The transformational administration style was utilized as a part of his vision to change the way PC will be worked in future and value-based initiative style was utilized when he fused his vision into reality by making the items with the assistance of his representatives. In a meeting with Morris (2008) Steve discusses his part in the organization is to enrol in the meantime concentrate on its technique and deal with the entire business from various offices and individuals of the organization and this is a qualities of a value-based initiative style. Hersey Blanchard situational hypothesis connected to Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs administration style is more dependent on his adherents abilities and capacities. The Hersey Blanchard situational hypothesis demonstrate accentuation on coordinating a style of initiative to the development of subordinates this relationship demonstrates the assurance of administration viability as specified in the writing survey. The way work leads and his style identifies with this hypothesis. The appointing style D4-S4 is obvious from Steve meet with Morris (2008) where he says that on the off chance that he has enlisted great individuals and they have potential he would give them a business and left them keep running all alone and when a smart thought comes, an aspect of my responsibilities is to move it around, simply observe what diverse individuals think, get individuals discussing it, get thoughts moving among that gathering of 100 individuals, get distinctive individuals together to investigate distinctive parts of it . The partaking style D3-S3 of Hersey Blanchard situational hypothesis is the place Jobs discusses the way he takes another thought to his workers is the earth of brilliance and how his employees are self-roused, he coaches them at first and moves them and after that the representatives astonish him over and over with the best of their execution (Gendron, 1989) Contemporary Leadership Issues of Global Leadership and Leadership Change : Control of the big and little: Contemporary leadership focus on each aspect whether its small or big as Steve jobs was conscious about every detail when he was at apple. he was very clear with the goals and made them true as he turned his imagination into reality. he always concentrated every small aspect of the apple devices even the boards as well which are visible but he wanted them simple. Products before profit: As modern leadership is more quality focused rather than cost, Steve jobs always wanted to make the product insanely great without worrying about the cost. He just wanted to make innovative products he motivated the employees of company to work great products without caring about profit and cost because everything was secondary for him, similar to jobs leadership style contemporary leadership is more focused about its products. Concentrating on what is critical: Pioneers should guarantee that an association does not dismiss its principle objective. Steve Jobs exhibited this with a pile of measures that were intended to guarantee that Apple developed to more prominent statures. His primary point was effectiveness and cost investment funds to expand piece of the overall industry and net revenues. This saw him outsource assembling to Taiwan and expelled littler providers in the chain. He additionally ceased certain items which maybe were not adding key favourable position to Apple. Recommendations: Simplify Employments goals for Zen straightforwardness radiated through when he wiped out the on/off catch on the iPod. The music player bit by bit shut down and killed, and afterward it flashed on again with only a swipe. Occupations needed to compose complex programming and push the cut off points of preparing energy to deal with every one of the directions that made the UI appear to be basic. Employments exceeded expectations at outlining moderate gadgets that softened obstructions up PC speeds. His frameworks could remain solitary or cooperate in an interconnected environment-like an iPod associated with a Mac associated with an iTunes store. Apple could oversee unfathomable measures of data through division of work among the frameworks. For instance, the Mac controlled framework organization while iTunes brought content from distributed storage, liberating the gadget to focus on playing the music. Afterward, Jobs set his sights on overhauling the cell phone. He would get a contenders telephone and rage the capacities were inconceivable and the address book was incomprehensible. His iPhone set another standard for cell phones, making them into scaled down PCs. The iPhones little touch screen was the experiment for the iPad, Apples tablet PC, and demonstrated there was a major market for minuscule portable PCs. Toward the finish of his vocation, Jobs reconsidered TVs with another route framework to get to any video content on the web. He cooked up approaches to make TV more individual. 2. Control the Experience Apple assumed full liability for the item from end-to-end. Each part of the equipment was examined precisely, from every segment to the general look. In like manner, he considered the client involvement in each line of code and every sales representative in the Apple stores. Employments fixation on the entire gadget mirrored his energy for flawlessness. He utilized his intense attractive identity to rouse thousands. Apples model of a shut and restrictive framework was steady with his controlling identity and set Apple apart from open-source contenders. 3. Advance Trailblazers change the diversion standards to rehash ventures. Employments saw individuals were copying CDs on their PCs from substance on-line. The Mac could oversee recordings and photographs however it couldnt record CDs. Occupations thought he had missed an open door in on-line amusement. However, he re-examined the idea and built up a biological community that changed media outlets with iTunes programming and the iTunes Store. He made it easy to purchase and oversee music from one site and store it on an iPod or PC. After the accomplishment of the iPod, Jobs made more leaps forward in working frameworks, handling and memory and after that made sense of how to add remote voice to make the iPhone. 4. Disregard Reality Employments capacity to push the inconceivable was called his Reality Distortion Field, after a scene of Star Trek in which outsiders make an option reality through sheer will. An early illustration was when Jobs was on the night move at Atari and pushed Steve Wozniak to make an amusement called Breakout. Woz said it would take months, however Jobs gazed at him and demanded he could do it in four days. Woz wound up doing it. Conclusion Steve Jobs was a decent business visionary with a ton of vision and aspiration. He could without much of a stretch fit into the qualities of best business people which portrays as the capacity to go out on a limb, tirelessness, prejudice for uncertainty et cetera. In any case, the focal topic that stems from his authority style is that he was more errand arranged. He had an enthusiasm for Apple, and every one of his systems were focused towards guaranteeing that it developed to more prominent statures. From the contextual investigations, its implied that pioneers who need to copy Steve Jobs must be prepared to apply distinctive authority styles. They should be creative to guarantee that they create winning items in the market to beat contenders. They additionally should be participative pioneers and get completely included in the exercises of the association. Such pioneers must be prepared to be transformational pioneers an aptitude that might be required in turning an ass ociation round to enhance execution. Without some of those qualities it is hard to pick up the trust of workers and guarantee that they guide the association towards the correct course. References   Ã‚   (2013, 4 19). what makes a good leader. coons, h. a. (1957). isaacson, w. (2012). the real leadership lessons of steve jobs. 94-102. kalla, s. (2012, 04 02). Retrieved from forbes: Lussier, R. N., Achua, C. F. (2015). Leadership. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 2012, 04 06). leadership of steve jobs. (v. v. suvarna, Interviewer) macInerney, s. (2011, 107). Retrieved from Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice. Los Angeles [u.a.: SAGE. wolinski, s. (2010, 04 21). Retrieved from The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan | Analysis The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan | Analysis The characters in Joy Luck Club differ from â€Å"Chan is missing† characters by, the first by having gender differences, second (C.I.M) characters arent trying to form mother/daughter bonds and third a major culture clash or conflict of cultural backgrounds happens in Joy Luck Club; therefore, The novelist and director both focus on the same issues and problems that Asian Americans face, being the topic of Behavioral assimilation/acculturation and structural or socioeconomic assimilation but go about separate routes on about discussing the issues and problems. The first major difference between the characters of the Joy Luck Club and â€Å"Chan is missing† is the gender differences. The Joy Luck Club characters are all females and â€Å"Chan is missing characters are all males. The gender differences between the two is the (C.I.M) movie was a masculine Asian perspective of Asian American culture rather than the Joy Luck Clubs feminine perspective of Asian American culture which was through a womans eyes. In â€Å"Chan is missing† the story and setting was more nit and gritty had a cast of predominately males which I stated before. Who cussed, drank beer and did just macho things. The Joy Luck Club story and settings focus on women empowerment, forming bond and inter personal relationships which is all women stuff and which is feminist based. The movie â€Å"Chan is missing† was more concerned with male qualities of pride, honor and a typical male move of acting without thinking. The incident when they gave the money t o Chan without even knowing who he really was therefore was the bullheaded move which every male makes at one point in his life. Then the characters pride and honor got in the way which made them track Chans whereabouts, honor and pride which is as important to males but rather less as important to women. Another difference between Chan is missing and the Joy Luck Club is the Joy Luck Club had a lot of lifetime drama, daughters hating mothers and mother hating daughters a story concerned with peoples feelings. The Amy tan book dealt with a lot of family issues and interpersonal problems that the main characters suffered from which made their relationships with one another difficult. The plot of the book revolved around how the characters could improved their bonds and better understand one another. In â€Å"Chan is Missing† such things were irrelevant the two main characters were family but seem to have a friendship bond, there were no personal family issues or problems that plagued the two except for the fact they lost 4000 dollars. Jo and Steve pretty much understood each other pretty well as for the characters from Joy Luck Club who all didnt truly understand or know each other. The last but major difference between the two was the culture clash or conflict of cultural backgrounds which happened in Joy Luck Club. There were instances of a cultural clash or conflict of cultural backgrounds mentioned in â€Å"Chan is missing† but was explained more vividly in Joy Luck Club. The Joy Luck Club showed or told of how Asian American can be very family oriented and how Family is very important within the Asian American community. In Chan is missing the director did not discuss the aspects of how family oriented Asians are in the movie or how important it is like the Joy Luck Club did which was the whole theme of the story. The Joy Luck Club explained of why Asian parents tend to be very strict with their children, because most mainland Asian parents come from strict and traditional cultures. It is only the way they were taught in their culture and its used as the main upbringing of their Asian children. Asian American also prides themselves on respect and bei ng successful. They hold their respect very high with in the Asian American communities and it is a very important part of their culture. All these issues were the cause of the strife within the Joy Luck Club; the parents were very traditional sticking to the roots of their culture following every custom to the T. The Chan is missing movie did mention the issue of how most Asian immigrants refuse to assimilate and still continue to retain a Chinese mentality but the Joy club gave a greater example by describing the mothers actions and dialogue. The mothers of Joy Luck Club wanted their daughters to be Chinese and American But they worried that their daughters were rejecting their ambitions for them, not caring about Chinese traditions and hating their strange customs. This was truly causing a culture clash or conflict of cultural backgrounds between modernized new generations of Joy Luck Club against the traditional characters. In â€Å"Chan is missing† there was more of a fo cus of how important it is for Asian Americans to strive to be successful in America. It went in more detail then the Joy Luck Club which only gave examples through the Waverley character. In certain events throughout the movie a few characters in (C.I.M) stated or assumed that Chan ran away because he was ashamed of how much a failure he was having had come to the U.S and obtained very little. They made it seem in the movie that it is an obligation for Asian Americans to be successful in life or they would bring dishonor to themselves and their families. By watching certain scenes in (C.I.M) emphasized how important it is for Asian Americans to be successful at whatever they do and failure is considered a taboo in Asian culture. These subjects are what set (C.I.M) and The Joy Luck Club apart from each other both discussed the same issues within Asian American culture but one or the other went in more detail about the subjects which caused major differences. Amy Tan and Wayne Wang both focused on the same issue and problem within Asian Americans culture which is the problem of assimilation and its different variations, being Behavioral assimilation, structural assimilation, socioeconomic assimilation and also the problems created behind assimilation. Behavioral assimilation occurs when a newcomer absorbs the cultural norms, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of the host society. This may also involve learning English and/or becoming an American citizen examples were shown throughout the film (C.I.M) when then Jo sat down and talked to the English language teacher. Within this process, Asian Americans may choose to retain much of their traditional Asian culture, norms, and behaviors while still acquiring those of mainstream American society â€Å"still thinking Chinese† term used in (C.I.M), or to discard his/her traditional forms of Asian culture entirely in favor of complete immersion and identification within American societ y. The second and third type of assimilation is structural and socioeconomic assimilation, referring to when Asian Americans enter and become integrated into the economic, social, political and cultural institutions of the American society i.e., using the members of Joy Luck Club who had a lawyer, a writer and looking at other Asian who obtain well to do jobs becoming full members of American society. Simply referring to when they attain socioeconomic status usually in the form of high incomes, great occupations, suburban residency, paying taxes and so on causing them to be equal to other members of mainstream American society. All Asian American at some point come to The U.S to socioeconomically assimilate for themselves or their children with the goal of attain a great future, to do that they will have to adapt by assimilating to the culture in which they or their family have migrated to. Some assimilate very quickly while others assimilate very slowly sometimes following a less prosperous path and assimilating into the underclass or working really hard towards being in the upper-class. While other choosing not at all to assimilate becoming members within tight-knit immigrant communities. These different kinds of assimilators are what sometimes lead to cultural clashes and problems within Asian communities. The main problems is of immigrant Asians or Asian Americans â€Å"finding their identities† and the misunderstanding of traditional Asian and (A.B) American born Asian. I forgot to mention The process of undergoing either behavioral, structural, socioeconomic assimilation can occur over time and over the succession of generations leading to increasing economic, cultural, political, and residential integration into American society which happened to the younger members of Joy Luck Club. Or it can happen in a non-linear, circular, or bumpy manner in which Asian Americans revive or retain old cultural traditions, norms, and behaviors and choose to re main somewhat isolated from mainstream American society (older members of Joy Luck Club) or alternatively, to combine elements of both traditional Asian although they may modify old traditions and values to fit their contemporary circumstances and mainstream American culture seen throughout â€Å"Chan is missing†. In the Joy Luck Club and Chan is missing Movie â€Å"finding their identities† and the misunderstanding of traditional Asian and (A.B) American born Asian was all from the problems of assimilation. The behavioral assimilation case throughout the Joy Luck Club was of the mothers who didnt assimilate retaining old cultural traditions and being strict towards their daughters; therefore the daughters who did assimilate and were very Americanized causing a major culture conflict. The socioeconomic and structural assimilation accrued when the mother pushed their daughters to be what their culture expected of them to be which was successful be it being a piano playe rs, doctor, or lawyer. This caused a lot of misunderstanding between the two groups causing each other to doubt and to truly look into understanding each other and themselves â€Å"finding their identities†. In Chan is missing they gave the assumptions that Chan fled because he could not or did not do well enough to socioeconomically assimilate and to behavioral assimilate in American society. He failed to socioeconomically assimilate because he was unable to obtain the wealth he thought he would achieve in America that he had back home, his wife considered him a failure and several characters concurred with that fact. The behavioral assimilation was the most talked about topic, the phrase â€Å"thinking Chinese† came up several times which made me recall several incidents that related to behavioral assimilations. The scene when Jo and Steve were in the cafà © talking to the lady about Chans accident and how it was a lack of communication made references of how it was a cultural difference. The language teacher and the insurance agent that sponsored Chan made reference of how some Chinese still held on to their mainland beliefs which got in the way of them assimilating and becoming successful, that they were â€Å"Thinking Chinese†. The political feud between the PCR and Taiwan nationalist paraders is an example of how some Asians still held on to their cultural political traditions rather than embrace their new American ones which caused a lot of problems in the Asian community. Those incidents were all example of Chan not really being able to behavioral assimilate, causing Chan to probably search within himself and â€Å"find his identity† stated by Jo in the movie. There were also dialogues of the younger character Steve having misunderstandings between Chan which were caused by culture differences having different sets of humor because they came from different cultural backgrounds. The Behavioral assimilation, structural assimi lation, and socioeconomic assimilation between Asian American society and culture were the main focus within the movie and story; they were linked together through the issues of the sometimes misunderstanding of peoples who take different approach towards assimilating and the problems which causes a person to rethink their cultural identities. Standard Model of Cosmology: Overview and Analysis Standard Model of Cosmology: Overview and Analysis SYNOPSIS Since Hubble discovered the Universe expansion, cosmologists had been expecting the expansion would slow down due to the attractive force of gravity. However, in 1998, two independent teams of scientists studied the distant Type I supernovae (SNe) and soon realised that SNe were moving away from us more quickly than was originally thought. This revealed that the expansion of our universe is indeed accelerating. What could be the underlying cause of this accelerated expansion? Cosmologists provoked the term ‘dark energy’ to describe this phenomenon. In order to understand what dark energy is, different approaches are being undertaken in an attempt to explain this strange phenomenon: some cosmologists predicted that there must be some kind of ‘antigravity’ effect which we haven’t yet understood; some stated our understanding of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity could be wrong and a more complete theory of gravity should be implied. In this review paper, we start by having an overview of standard model of cosmology since it attempted to explain the current status of the universe and its evolution over time. This leads us to review of the simplest approach in dark energy—cosmological constant followed by a number of theoretical models that give different ideas towards understanding the nature of dark energy. In particular, we introduce the idea of vacuum energy and summarise Quintessence model as one of the modified gravity approach and f(R) gravity model as one of the unmodified gravity approach and their merits. Furthermore, we look at observational evidences for accelerated expansion and what they have revealed about dark energy. These include distant Type Ia supernovae, the measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). We then describe in details of the key observational probes of dark energy such as weak gravitational lensing in addition to SNe and B AO. In the conclusion part, we address the future of dark energy by summarising couples of major projects that will be used to probe the history of the universe’s expansion, these includes Dark Energy Survey (DES) and Euclid Satellite. Finally, we come to an open discussion to remark the progress of dark energy would potentially made in the future by considering the two fundamental questions of accelerated expansion: does theory of General Relativity remain on the cosmological scale? And, is dark energy something else or none other than what we think it is? Overall, our goal for this review is to give a broader picture on the universe’s accelerated expansion and trying to understand the mystery of dark energy from varying observational techniques. Chapter 1: Brief review of Cosmology Before getting to understand the nature of dark energy, we first start from basic cosmology. In this chapter, we focus on the expansion history of the universe by referring to the standard model of cosmology and the future of the universe. At the end, we relate Einstein’s ‘biggest blunder’ to accelerated expansion hence bring out the first candidate of dark energy. 1.1 Standard Model of Cosmology Dark energy has been one of the biggest mysteries of the universe over ten years long and surprisingly, it counts for ~68% of the universe’s composition where ~27% belongs to a ‘missing mass’ that so-called dark matter which currently believed to be composed of completely new elementary particle. The rest 5% is something we know so far—Baryons matter, that is the ordinary matter that composed of protons, neutrons and electrons. These are all predicted within the framework of Standard model of Cosmology, also known as the Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmological model (ΛCDM). Cosmologists have not yet come up an agreement on what the standard cosmological model is, but they have successfully used the observational pillars to propose the hypothesis of Hot Big Bang. Some key ones include: Universe’s expansion; Big Bang Nucleosynthesis; the detection of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the formation of large-scale structure. Universe’s expansion Recall the Doppler Effect which describes redshift z as: (1.1) where a is the scale factor whose present value is 1. The equation tell us that if light/sound receding from us, the wavelength would stretch out and being observed with larger wavelength than the emitted one. Apply this to the distant galaxies, if the universe is expanding implying the galaxies should be moving away from us, hence we would observe the light from the galaxies become reddening. Back in 1920s, Hubble studied the distant galaxies and found that they are receding from us. Remarkably, Hubble provided the first evidence of universe’s expansion. As Hubble Law describes: the distance between galaxies is d = ax where x is the fixed commoving distance. If there is no any commoving motion (i.e. ) and the relative velocity v is therefore given as where is called the Hubble constant. Thus, the relation suggests that velocity should increase linearly with distance. Figure 1.11 is the original Hubble Diagram that indicating this relationship. Figure 1.11 Hubble’s original diagram (1929). He plotted velocities of distant galaxies against distance and used the solid line as the best fit to the point which had been corrected for the Sun’s position. Nowadays, we can be running reverse of this expansion and trace the history of the universe back to nearly 14 billion years ago when everything squeezed together into an extremely hot and dense state. This is where the universe began as a violent explosion and ever since then, our universe keeps cooling and expanding in a very long process. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis When the universe was still very hot and dense, high energy photons would destroy any atom or nucleus leading no neutral atoms or bound nuclei exist. The production of Dark Matter is believed to occur around the time. As the universe expanded, universe’s temperature gradually decreased allowing Big Bang Nucleosynthesis take place. Light element such as helium and deuterium (a heavy isotope of hydrogen) started forming and our universe was thought to be radiation dominated at that stage. Cosmic Microwave Background When there was further drop down of temperature, electrons and protons are available to combine to form hydrogen atom. Since the energy density of relativistic particle decreases quickly it was overtook by that of the non-relativistic matter i.e. baryons and dark matter, the universe was entered a matter-dominated epoch. From then, the universe became transparent and radiation travelled freely in the universe and eventually reached us after over ten billion years. This is what we called the cosmic background radiation. They are believed to be the oldest light in the universe and bring us back to a very early stage of the universe. As well as being a strong evidence of Big Bang model, CMB also plays an important role for probing the dark energy. We will spend reasonable amount of time in this review discuss more details on how CMB point to the existence of dark energy and different missions that launched to map CMB in greater details. Formation of Large-Scale Structure Several hundred million years after Big Bang, the temperature of the universe had fallen down to some extent, dust gas started collapsing under gravitational attraction, galaxies and clusters were finally formed in the matter-dominated epoch. After all, it seems that the Hot Big Bang model has been well developed as a scientifically testable theory and the observational datasets gave us considerable confidence to see it as the most potential model to predict the history of our universe. However, there are still some difficulties with this standard cosmological model. For example, the horizon problem the flatness problem and the famous antimatter problem. In modern cosmology, both of the horizon problem and isotropy problem are explained by era of inflation which is introduced into the timeline prior to the radiation-dominated epoch of the universe. The idea of inflation was within a second right after the explosion, the universe underwent a very rapid inflation. As a result, the universe increased its size by a super huge factor and completely smoothed out, left it with our current status—homogeneity and isotropy. This is exactly what The Cosmological Principle state: the universe on large scales is homogeneous and isotropic. To summarise the main consequences of the Big Bang model, Figure 1.12 present the overview of the history of the universe and how the dominant component of the universe change over time. Figure 1.12 the evolution of the universe and any epoch associated with time and density. (Pearson Education 2011) From Figure 1.12, we notice that at the earliest stage in the universe, radiation dominated, as the universe expanded and temperature dropped down, matter overtook radiation, universe was then matter dominated. At relatively recent times, radiation density and matter density have decrease so much, dark energy whole density remain relatively constant with time took over and dominated the universe. Our current era is believed to be dark energy dominated. 1.2 The Fate of the Universe We know from the last section that the universe most probably started by Big Bang and it keep expanding ever since then. Our next question is straightforward: What will the universe end up with? This is determined by the interplay of the gravitational attraction of mass in the universe and the repulsive effect of dark energy. Consider the universe is expanding causing the galaxies to move further away from each other. However, gravitational attraction between these galaxies works against the expansion to slow it down. Whether gravity or expansion to take over would depend on the density of the universe. Here the critical density is defined as (2) The density parameter à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ is therefore expressed as (3) where The fraction of the matter energy density in terms of critical density is: (4) Similarly, the fraction of the dark energy density in the critical density is: (5) Note that both of the present-day density and critical density would change with time, thus their values at the present time are used in this definition. If , (curvature term k = 0), this is a special intermediate case where the universe is thought to be flat and it will continue to expand in a slow rate under gravity, but it will never turn around; if , (curvature term k = +1), the universe will expand to its maximum size and collapse in a ‘Big Crunch’ leading to a closed universe since the gravitational gravity is stronger than weak expansion; and if , (curvature term k = -1), ) this corresponds to an open universe where the universe will expand forever because the expansion is powerful enough that gravitational attraction will never pull them together again. Figure 1.21 summarise these three possibilities of the end of our universe. Figure 1.21 three possibilities of the fate of universe: open, close and flat universe. The line responsible for the accelerating universe will be discuss later.